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  • Debbie Freeman


    Supervisor and Clinical Director

    Debbie Freeman is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist practicing for over 25 years. As the former Director of Clinical Services of Jewish Family & Children’s Service in Long Beach, she has trained hundreds of upcoming therapists in both the science as well as the art of providing quality therapy. She has taught psychology at numerous Universities including Antioch, Chapman, Touro University Worldwide and Alan Hancock and is a consultant to various agencies in need of training and guidance. As a skilled therapist Debbie is able to understand your needs and help you work towards growth and healing that will be permanent and meaningful. She works with anxiety, depression, infertility issues, child/parent estrangement, grief, acute loneliness, Victims of Crime, divorce, relationship issues and patterns, and many other areas. She will bring clarity to any confusing or stressful situations you are experiencing and help you to garner your own strength to grow.

    She is happy to discuss your personal situation with you.